(406) 206-7571

Your ability to live the life you want rests squarely on your shoulders. This is true in the present and in the future. Understanding this is key to leading a successful life, financially and otherwise. The short-form of a financial plan for someone who is in what we call the Accumulation Stage of life, is “save as much as you can as early as you can.” Given the power of compounding, it makes sense for a long term plan. There are, of course, many factors that complicate the simplicity of saving this way. It also doesn’t make sense to save rapidly without a plan, because you could end up sacrificing the life you want to live now for resources you may not entirely need later on. CoCreate strategies seek balance, so you can pursue your passion now and in the future. CoCreate strategies for savers include a broad scope of consultation, coaching, and management activities. Some of the most common are: 

•Helping you determine what you are saving for.
•Helping you determine your capacity to save for your future, and discovering ways to increase your savings.
•Helping you to identify ways you can maximize your resources to live in the present.
•Creating a plan to continually measure your progress in attaining your goals.
•Managing investments for retirement AND pre-retirement goals.
•Helping you evaluate real estate and business investment opportunities.