(406) 206-7571

As a business owner, it’s hard to carve out time to work on your personal financial plan, and to-do list items like setting up employee benefits and creating ways to make an effective succession plan remain on the back burner until they are either imminent or it’s too late. 

Some of the services we provide to businesses and their owners are:

  • Employee retirement plans.  These include the common 401(k) and SIMPLE IRA, to more complex plans.  We’ll help you look at your business needs and identify how you can best leverage a retirement plan for employee retention, tax savings, or even to help encourage employees to retire sooner.
  • Strategies to retain and reward key employees.  You may have one or two people your business depends on.  There are a number of ways to make sure you keep their loyalty.  These plans, are complex, customized, and require expertise in design and in the way you fund them.  We’ll help you identify your need, establish, and fund the plan.
  • Identifying and reducing business risks through diversification
  • Strategies for selling your business (sooner or later).  The most valuable asset most business owners possess is their business itself.  Selling your business, is something to plan for years in advance so that you can make sure it transfers efficiently to the ideal person and also so that its value is optimal.  People who plan ahead tend to win at this.  If you own a business, make a plan to create value whether you sell next year or in 30.