(406) 206-7571
Christa Hudak
Christa Hudak, CDFA®

I am excited to be restarting my career as a Financial Advisor at Co|Create Financial. After about a year and a half out of the industry, I am drawn back because of how significant money is in each of our lives and the incredible depth at which I am able to equip and empower people by helping them with their finances. In reality, money is connected to everything we do and everything we value. When we recognize that and work to ensure that our financial resources (and all our resources) are aligned with what we value and who we want to be each of us has unstoppable potential.

I have spent the last year as the First Impressions Director at Journey Church. The focus of my role was to equip volunteers to create a more inclusive and inviting culture and create a deeper sense of community. It was a very fun role and I got to help people grow in multiple dimensions as they served one another and built relationships. At first glance this may appear very different than my work as a Financial Advisor, but it is really all about equipping people for purpose and significance. This is what I have been passionate about in every professional opportunity I have engaged.

However, I find that there is something I love about getting to work with people in regard to their finances. Money is an intense source of stress for many people, but one that is frequently buried and ignored. When we engage with our financial resources instead of running from fear and stress we are able to see ourselves more clearly and put ourselves on the trajectory that we want to go. We unleash bounding potential when we stop fearing our finances and start orienting them purposefully.

When we do not choose to be purposeful about our money it is the silent force that controls our lives in all the wrong ways. We miss out on opportunities, play it safe in mundane mediocrity instead of pursuing our passions and we trade investing in living a significant and meaningful life for things the marketing people tell us we want. We live lives of financial stress that spills into all areas of our life, always left feeling wanting and realizing that we have very little for all the money that has slipped through our fingers.

I am a financial advisor because I believe in stepping into a different reality. One where we understand the significance of money but put it in its proper place in equipping us to live meaningful, significant and fulfilled lives. How you use your money is the most transparent window to your soul. If you show me what you spend your money on, I can tell you what your priorities are. I’m not talking about your lofty and idealistic priorities of who you want to be. Your money clearly communicates your functional and lived priorities.

Financial advising is about closing the gap between who you want to be and who you are so that your resources propel you forward on your life mission and purpose. I love equipping people to live lives of meaning and purpose and as a Financial Advisor I get to help people think about, manage and structure their financial resources for significance both in the present and throughout the many years and seasons of life.  

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